What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Life This Week

Your Weekly Horoscope for 10th December To 16th December 2017 

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : The ruler of your Sign Mars recently shifted into its other abode, Scorpio, 8th House from your Sign. Hidden desires, subconscious thoughts, love for the unknown and mystical shall come to the fore now. You may be taking a break now, utilizing your yearly leave, and the free time may fill your mind with all sorts of things. This is also a good time to develop an interesting, meaningful relationship. Maybe, it’s someone you have met at your vacation. Developing a crush for someone is also likely, feels Ganesha. Be careful to not disturb your present equations, though. Remain committed towards your responsibilities. Influence of benevolent Jupiter over the 2nd House from your Sign will keep you in a strong position on the financial front. A social or a personal, domestic reason may be the cause behind your expenses this week. Students may be nearing their exams. Keeping a centered approach shall be a must.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : On last Sunday, Mars shifted into its own Sign Scorpio (your 7th House), joining the company of Jupiter. Influence of Mars will now keep you energized and active enough to battle it out in with cosmic war going on in the 8th House from your Sign. Mars having an aspect over the 10th House is a good indication for your professional battle-field too, but it will keep you busier with work related activities. However, with Mercury in retrogression, no real results may be possible for now. Students may face difficulties in concentrating effectively, while studying. In a committed relationship, you may get tired of the unbecoming conduct of your beloved. Thoughts of re-considering this bond may cross your mind. However, thanks to Jupiter and Mars you will manage to stay afloat. Marriages will work better too, but still things may not be very exciting. Health still needs a lot of care. Find time for relaxation, as you may feel mentally fatigued. Vent your negativity through a creative outlet, suggests Ganesha.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Moon is in the airy Libra, the 5th House from your Sign, on Monday. So, you begin the week on a good note. There may be some monetary gains that will cheer you up. Strong Mars in company of Jupiter will make a good case for professionals as well as ones looking for new assignments. A handsome remuneration for a job well done may also come your way. Influence of Jupiter over the 2nd House will overall keep you in a stronger position on the financial front. You will also get support from elders, parents, teachers, experts etc. Both Mars and Jupiter shall work well in keeping your position secure. In business, you may be trying to confirm a major deal now. Go ahead with complete caution. Students will make satisfactory progress. Health needs care. Do not neglect small issues, says Ganesha. Regulate your lifestyle.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : A cluster of four planets in the 6th House from your Sign is not a good indication for your work and day to day life, as well as your personal health and well being. You must take care to keep your routine in top shape. A break from things may be necessary. Your relations with elders, maybe an uncle, may get strained. Follow a careful and tactful path, says Ganesha. You may now be unsure of your own methods. Things may remain slow, despite your efforts to speed up stuff. The key positive, supportive cosmic indicators will come to your rescue, though. So, relax, as the union of strong Mars and Jupiter in the 5th House from your Sign will work favorably for you. A new relationship, an attraction, kids, creative activities, innovative ventures, your bid to learn something new – all or some of these shall bring you joy and solace. Things will get better on the work and money front. You will feel more stable in work and business matters. You may, in fact, manage to crack a major deal. Students shall also get support from these two planets, provided they remain disciplined.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) :Stars at the week’s beginning indicate that you shall enjoy partying socializing, calling on old friends, casual meetings and wining/ dining. Mars in its own Sign along with benevolent Jupiter becomes a commendable cosmic force. You will be able to push ahead your interest on both occupational and financial fronts. You will be in a stronger position, overall. You may also plan to finalise a deal. But, since you may not be very creative at the moment, Ganesha advises you to let a close colleague take the lead. Listen to others! Don’t become domineering in your ways now. It is good time for planning changes in your working methods. Students pursuing basic education will have a challenging time in remaining well focused, owing to strong distractions. However, ones pursuing higher education shall make steady progress.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : Expect some monetary gains to accrue, as the week begins. Mars joined Jupiter, over the last weekend. This will help you fulfill some of your desires. Now you will pursue your goals with a renewed vigour. However, many planets are still traversing through your 4th House, and Mercury is retrograde there. So, there will be ups and downs. While working on a computer at home, keep saving your data, or you may lose a chunk of it. Keep an effective back up of the entire data at work. Guard against mistakes and confusions. Ensure saying and communicating everything very clearly, especially to your mother or an important woman. New business ventures won’t be a good idea. Save financial investments for a later date too. This is the year end, so it would be rather better to take a break, if things permit, says Ganesha. Your mind may keep getting back to career and professional matters, given the influence of planetary forces on your 10th House. But, you won’t manage to go far. So, go with the flow. Don’t vent your anger on anyone innocent. Romance takes a backseat now.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) :Planetary positions are indicative of some sort of foreign travel, especially for the ones involved in foreign trade. However, with Mercury in retrogression, you should, if possible, postpone signing an agreement, for now. Meanwhile, you may try to look for grey areas in any such assignment or deal, which can cause concern later. Steer clear of legal hassles. Mars in its own Sign Scorpio, along with Jupiter, in the 2nd House is a good indicator for your financial position. Look forward to better times, in matters related to money and assets. However, the cluster of planets of a contradictory nature in your 3rd House may hurt your social standing, in some way. People may be talking behind your back. Be careful, and guard against back stabbers and people of questionable integrity, warns Ganesha. Health stars look brighter, and may, thus, help you get right medication and cure for addressing a chronic issue.

Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd November ) :The ruler of your Sign Scorpio entered your Sign, late last week, and joined the company of the mighty Jupiter. Expect the limelight to fall on you. Enjoy the attention, but refrain from becoming bombastic or domineering, says Ganesha. Mercury is still retrograde in the 2nd House, and this may make you liable to repeat past mistakes, especially on the financial or family front. Guard! Whatever you do, you will get cosmic push from Mars and Jupiter in your efforts, so you will feel happy. But, there may not be any immediate monetary gains. Keep your expectations realistic, and certainly don’t be critical or negative. Playing blame games will not be a good idea. It never is! Centre your attention on a favorite hobby or a pet project. You will be able to make good progress. This is a good week for giving a stage performance, take part in a fashion show or dance to wedding tunes. But, you may also make mistakes, so be careful. Mars will also help athletes and fitness freaks, by boosting energy and stamina.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) :With so much planetary activity in your Sign, expect the limelight to be trained on you – in more than one way. Just guard your personal reputation, as jealous people come as a package with good things. At work or in business, you will be motivated and driven. Focus will on improving quality. Professionals shall have it easy, with more people agreeing to their word than ever. However, with Mercury still retrograde, you may given to some feelings to nostalgia. You may keep thinking about something that you could have done better – maybe in a relationship or about your own health/ fitness. Guard your health fiercely, as Sun and Saturn together in the first House that is your own Sign are indicative of injuries, health issues or mental turmoil. Married ones should do their best to maintain harmony and warmth in their relationship. There will be challenges, but you will manage. Don’t let a personal hurt hold you back from enjoying life.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) :You shall be keen on formulating a perfect strategy to achieve your goal. What you couldn’t do in the year gone by may be on your agenda for 2018. Easy, tiger easy! Don’t rush. Planets in the 12th House shall keep presenting strong distractions, holding you back from taking result oriented action. Mars and Jupiter together in the 11th House from your Sign will come to your rescue. They will facilitate opportunities for decent monetary gains. But, you must take everything with a pinch of salt, says Ganesha. You need to effectively check your expenses, and focus on saving money for future needs. Socializing, friendships, flirting, flings, conjugal relationships will bring you cheer, but will also act as distractions. Well, maybe you need some happy distractions! You may meet someone, and enjoy a good physical chemistry. If already in a committed relationship, this is a good time for taking your relationship to the next level. Marriage talks may be on the cards.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : The position of Moon at the week’s beginning indicates a minor setback. Things may be slower that you would want them to be. Or, maybe you are not feeling too well. Take a break, if you can! Thankfully, with strong Mars in association with benevolent Jupiter in the 10th House from your Sign, your work and career matters shall remain, more or less, sorted. You will be driven to work well, assures Ganesa. At the same time Saturn, Sun and Venus in the House related to gains shall keep presenting opportunities for profits and benefits. But the trickster Mercury is still in a retrograde mode. You may be prone to making mistakes, or going wrong on past decisions. So, overall gains may be slow. Take things as they come. Students may remain indecisive about something. The focus shall flounder towards money making options, which may disturb their studies. Re-centre your energies!

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : You may begin the week on a low note. Someone may hurt you. This person may be close to your heart, and thus, the episode may leave you, momentarily, clueless. As a result, you may be unable to focus on worldly matters, in the initial part of the week. Thankfully, midweek onwards, you shall manage to shake off all these negative vibes, assures Ganesha. This will help you re-centre and re-focus on stuff that needs your attention now – money, finances, work and family. Well, that’s a big chunk, but it’s good in a way, as it will keep you nicely distracted from your emotional hurt. Mercury is still retrograde, so pace of progress will be slow. Nonetheless, it will pay to keep trundling ahead. Mars and Jupiter will help you stay on the right track. Stay optimistic, and steer clear of legal battles. Take care of your health.


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